Saturday, January 24, 2009

Five years ago today I watched a little baby with feet kicking and arms waving penetrate the very depth of my heart. Today he is five years old and continues to hold that place in my heart and has all the love possible from his Grammy. It seems five years have gone by so fast and he is growing into a very special little man. He still loves to come and visit at Grammy's house and I hope that will continue forever.

I am so fortunate to live close and see him and his little sister Hunter often. What a blessing to be a Grammy with close proximity to the grandchildren. Kelly has learned to walk, run, play tennis, swim, read, paint, and give love. He is the best there is and of course, I will always think just a little bit better than anyone else. That is a Grammy's view and you will not change it. My heart just swells when I hear the little voice on the phone.."Grammy, where are you?" and the happiness when I say I am at home so he can come over and visit.

Five years have gone by so fast and it is hard to imagine how strong love can grow in such a short time but he has my heart, love grows each day, and I am truly blessed.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Originally uploaded by barbara_sanborn


Originally uploaded by barbara_sanborn

The minute I stepped off the airplane in Indianapolis, I knew this was not the time of year to visit the North. I could see my breath as I walked down the jetway into the terminal and the weather deteriorated from that point on. I had left New Orleans on an alternate flight as the one I was scheduled on with Delta was so late I would miss the last connection in Memphis. They moved me from a first class on Delta to a middle seat on a US Scare and then to a bullet shaped object that resembled a toy airplane. One seat on one side and two on the other. I was fortunate as I was in the side with two seats, on the aisle and had enough knee room to keep my kneecaps out of my front teeth. As I said, it was cold when I landed. My son Tom, met me at the plane and we proceeded down to the luggage retrieval area to find my bag with my hat, coat, gloves and all the warm clothes I had packed.
Guess what, US Scare could not find my bag...of course, they blamed Northworst and the saga started. Tom had the foresight to bring me a jacket, gloves and a hat so we proceeded to the parking lot. OMG(Gosh to those of you who think I would say something bad), it was COOOOOLLLLDDD. Memories came rushing back of North Dakota and Minnesota...the frost on the windshield, the cold seats, the necessity to warm up a car, not pleasant memories.
The rest of the visit was wonderful, a visit to the Indianpolis Children's Museum with trains, dinosaurs and my favorite, Chihuly Glass was a great part of the trip.

We went to a USA swim meet to see Nora race in the free, fly, back and breast stroke and had some great dinners, did a little shopping and just hung out together. It was great seeing Tom and hearing of all his achievements but I can't help but wish he were closer to us in Florida.
What do I miss most when I travel, Kelly and Hunter of course. I am anxious to hear the little voice say to me.."Grammy, where are you?" and I will know I am in their thoughts too.
And the airplane book you ask? Gitomer this time with wonderful advice. I have read this before and probably had it on this site, but recommend several reads of any Gitomer book.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


OIO Publisher Direct Give Away
written by John Chow on January 5th, 2009
Make $5,000 per month from home!

OIOPublisher is the best solution for bloggers trying to sell direct advertising. Before this awesome piece of software came along, I would always recommend new bloggers use 3rd party ad networks instead of selling ads directly because you need to concentrate on producing content when you’re starting out.

What OIOPublisher automates the ad buying process so you can concentrate on blogging instead of selling. By using OIOPublisher, advertisers can order, pay for and upload their ads directly to your blog. The only thing you have to do is approve the ad. If you get a sale, then great! If not, then OIOPublisher will run ads from the ad networks or your own house ads until you do. Some of the other features include:

* Possible to integrate the ad platform with any website that uses PHP
* Purchase / account pages are now templated, editable within the admin area
* Text links are now controlled via zones (like banner ads)
* Works with PayPal and PayPal Subscription
* Full javascript ad display support
* Entrecard Payment option integrated

The software will work on any website that use PHP. Wordpress users get an easy to install plugin. OIOPublisher Direct sells for $47 and is worth every penny. However, I have two copies to give away.

How To Enter

To enter for a chance to win one of two copies of OIOPublisher Direct, simply reply to this post. It doesn’t get easier than that! You only need to reply once. Replying multiple times won’t get you more entries. However, if you blog about this contest and link to this post, I’ll give you five more entries. I give you three more entries if you send the following tweet to your followers.

Win a copy of OIOPublisher Direct from @JohnChowDotCom. It automates ad sales for your blog. Enter here!

The contest deadline is Friday, January 30. The winners will be drawn on Saturday, January 31 at Dot Com Pho. Good luck and enter now!

Download OIOPublisher Direct